Classroom Worship from iSingPOP is a new and exciting resource designed to unite the whole school in Collective Worship, even though childrem may be worshipping in smaller bubbles or as individual classes.

These once-a-week 15 minute sessions involve almost no preperation in advance and are differentiated for Key Stage 1 and 2.

Each act of Collective Worship will include:

An animated Bible Story
A reflection on the theme
An interactive prayer activity
An iSingPOP dance routine to learn and practice
The Lord's Prayer

Autumn Term 2020 Prices

½ Term Bundles

Autumn 1 (8 sessions) - £50
Resilience and Compassion
Autumn 2 (7 sessions) - £50
Reconciliation and Christmas

Full Term Bundles

Autumn 1 & 2 (15 sessons) - £90